All welcome to our Clan we have discord to chat in rooms, just ask and we will make you a private room and we have servers to play games on
Please read the rules before joining. We have rules not to be broken. we are all inclusive we are here to enjoy the game but win
to win you need to not care about who is in the team but the quality of the team you have
We give you a few strikes and then our admin take action
Some of us go Ronin for a bit and play with other clans which is fine with us as long as they keep to the rules we can be gamers for hire, however always fly our flag!!
We have clans in every game that supports them we work with gaming companies not against them and follow their guidelines and codes of conduct
Kindly refrain from using our name as we are a limited company and global organisation.
Gamer tags are handwork to create so respect peoples gaming names please
dr3gree 3rdegree dr3degree Third Degree and so on many variations of 3rd degree we have sued this name for many years we have now made sure 3rdegreee our clan leaders and ltd directors name is represented on Microsoft and many other platforms
You need to meet us on the server to join our tribe on Ark
We do not kick for being Good !!
Age of empires Series
Ark Survival Evolved
Our tribe name is 3rdegree Burns
Clan Thirdegree Burns
Battlefield Series
Clan 3rdegree Burns
Call of Duty Series
Clan 3db
The division series
Clan Thirdegree Burns
Gaming Terms
Gaming = The activity of playing video games on an electronic device
Pvp = player vs player
Pve = player vs environment
Cosplay = Costume play
Irl = In real life
Ai = Artificial intelligence
Bot = like ai its a computer controlled player
Rpg = role play game
Rts = Real time strategy
Sim = A simulation
Survival = See how long you live
Platform = Normally involves jumping puzzles and primarily side on view
Rubber Banding = Cars speed up in racing that shouldn't catch up code and rubber banding of graphics when graphics engines twist the graphics due to faults in the graphics engine or hacking
Clocking = Completing a game
Speed run = finish the game in record time
Ping = A ping is the speed from your device to the server or internet target and back in milli seconds ms
Crossplay = playing games with others on different platforms normally same generation
GG = Good game or Great game
Beta = testing phase
Admin - Administrator but in gaming its the person who you report your issues to a go between with the owner operators
Grind = Keep playing a game even after boredom stage or a game that is a 'grind' means lots of work
God like = gaming term of perfection in gaming long shot or high score achieved
Avatar = in gaming a image of you not your real image a made up or selected image normally based on your gamertag
Gamertag = Gaming name
Turn based = like rolling the dice on a board game you take turns to have make your move
unstoppable = a gaming term for ultra level of gaming of sustain beating of an entire team goes below god like!
Indy game = often linked to music or racing came out at similar time. based on small companies unsponsored possible first start-ups like the creator of Honda and so many more starters they become great over time.
Bullet counting bullet time = as it suggests, bullet time it means counting in
split screen = the screen is divided may people really enjoy this as you can play offline with friends/gamers in the same room
CAPS = full caps is seen as shouting in the gaming world
mouse/controller = a control device for pc console or handheld
Dongle = an input device
Touch pad or nipple, a strange term for a control on a laptops or other device
control sticks
triggers = rocker button control
dpad = is the + shaped button
paddles = another word for controls but many on steering wheels
VR = virtual reality a controversial world do to its link to creation of a world which is unmonitored or need monitored also questionable due to cloning of one self or the world around, also the devices used comes into question due to eye ear and brain safety
Meta verse = referring to itself or something of its own type another ref Cambridge dictionary controversial word as it is a made up world that links to reality
Points farming = where players go on a quite or empty server and shoot revive constantly or opposite teams and keep still for the shot or tank strike
Game code manipulation = really bad for gaming this one putting a hubd up so you can see all players and run up an tag the enemy then hunt them also it is sabotage of the game sometimes in house or just de coding the game, be careful of all of these
Some of these are descriptions of things people do or understand
you don't have to remember all of these in gaming terms to be cool
there is such a thing as competition law so be aware of this and stay safe
Playing fair
Exploring games alone is great but gaming is greater with people or taking part is also fun
try and be fair and let everyone have a go on the game
you never know who is going to win or up your stats
So let people have a go at the controller or mouse who may be shy you might be amazed at the outcome
we at 3dbc = 3rdegree Burns Clan advise if you want to win legit competitions in the future
test your team you may find someone you think is not that great is actually the best at certain game types or function of the team
everyone in the room has a go, I used to win everything and hog the controller and it didn't make friends
Here is an example I played golden eye on the Nintendo 64 with one controller in one hand and the other controller in the other hand and ran the characters around the map in different directions watching two of the four split screens and beat everyone 'unstoppable' but then friends would call it 'trying face' and it turned nasty. I strongly believe it was a skill I learn from elsewhere as I was surprised i could do it, learnt by running trough the map watching the floor.
But as i can't do it anymore it must of been through the guidance of Allah's angels and or through the connection the holy spirt/ghost. This was not luck but training or practice
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