We have a flying club that we has a designated flying area the only in central London ,that we know of. There are other clubs that are around greater London please contact the bmfa or other model flying authorities or the CAA model flight department.
Just next to hammersmith hospital and wormwood scrubs prison du cane road. It is on Ministry of defence common land looked after by hammersmith council and friends of the park.
There is a 7kg weight limit on all models and other rules to abide by like the bylaw flying times.
Please be aware of dogs and their walkers general public and the pony club who often trek there.
Please check the BMFA British model flight association or similar before investing your hard earned money on model flight
there are safety protocols to adhere to and just general common sense safety
All welcome but follow the bylaw rules stated on the boards please for flying times and safety there is one at the rear of the prison and one at the club itself
you can get single person club or family memberships and a lot more from the Bmfa like badges collectors rc magazines and so on.
We are trying to make it a safer place to fly and have been working with friends of the park the pony club riding club various police departments and the council for many years.
There are new rules on flight and drone usage.
You are not allowed jet engines at the club but we will be posting the new rules and flying times bare with us!!! as this is an ever change field of law
Dogs and many creatures enjoy the open space there is even rare bird habitats and more plans to for an orchard and possible large pond and disability access.
enjoy and many of this we do in our spare time without pay
Below is a selection of companies that have been contacted previously to aid your RC needs
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